New here?

Whether you're exploring faith for the first time, or were born into a congregation, you'll find a place here at HERITAGE!


We are a small, loving family of members who are very diverse in ages, races, backgrounds and beliefs.  Heritage is a member of the Disciples of Christ denomination whose vision is to be a faithful, growing church, that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirituality, and a passion for justice (Micah 6:8).

We invite you to join us each Sunday morning for these events:


                       10:30 a.m.      "Virtual" Sunday Worship

                       10:00 a.m.      Fellowship Time


For "Virtual" Sunday Worship Zoom login information, please call the church office

at 301-384-1510 or email heritagechurch2@gmail.com .


We are located on the corner of New Hampshire Avenue and Norwood Road at:


                        15250 New Hampshire Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20905  




Our office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from Noon until 4:00 p.m.,

or by appointment at other times.


                         Heritage Christian Church strives to:

                                   Share the Good News of Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

                                   Transform hearts through prayer, worship, and discipline.

                                   Inspire authentic momentum on the Spiritual Journey.

                                   Equip Christians to take God's love into the world.



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